What Mi-GMIS Does
Our MissionThe Mi-GMIS mission is to provide a forum for public sector agencies to exchange Information and Technology best practices that enhance the delivery of governmental services across the State of Michigan.
| Site SearchVendors... All available sponsorships for the Fall Conference have been reserved.Did You Know...?As a member of our parent organization, GMIS, you are allowed access to various website resources (once signed in). This month we're highlighting the Presentations Repository. Please share yours! Email them to: info@mi-gmis.org AnnouncementsMembership RenewalMembership renewal for 2025/26 begins 4/1/2025. The Mi-GMIS Board will be restricting access to the Listserv to GMIS government members as of 4/14/25. Mi-GMIS is a child organization of GMIS International. Mi-GMIS membership registration/renewal is at the GMIS site. Don't miss out on use of the Mi-GMIS Listserv. Sessions Committee Seeking FeedbackThe committee is interested in hearing your ideas regarding the topics you'd like addressed at the Fall Conference! Upcoming Events