Spring Mini-Conference on May 16, 2025 at 9 a.m. at:
The Merit Networks Building 880 Technology Dr. Ann Arbor, MI 48108
Parking: As you enter the parking lot, use the lot beyond the spaces labelled "Merit Guests".
The event starts at 9 a.m. with check-in and breakfast. Lunch will be provided, as well. The mini-conference rounds out with the Birds of a Feather session, which concludes around 3 p.m. Please see the link above for more complete details.
Room 1
Room 2
Registration/ Welcome
Lunch Room
Session 1 & 2
Care and Feeding of Nerds, Geeks, and Techies
Tiffany Fournier - Moderator
Project Management Fundamentals
Session 3 & 4
Wrangling AI
Lynn Herrick, Moderator
Tim Maloney, City of Zeeland Bob Jones, U of M
Sessions 5 & 6
The Dark Side of the Force: AI is not all Rainbows and Unicorns
Paul Groll
Sessions 7 & 8
Birds of a Feather
You must sign in to register. If you haven't used this site, before, you may need to register for the site (Join us) or reset your password.
If you have issues with getting registered, please contact Diane Gregor.
City of Holland 270 S. River Ave. 2nd Floor Training Room Holland, MI 49423
Attendance is limited to non-vendor members and guests.
You may attend remotely, but... in-person attendance makes for a better user experience and you'll get a delicious free meal!
Join us in celebrating our 45 years as an organization!
Vendor Conference Information
Payment is expected within 30 days of registration. Failure to comply will result in reservation cancellation.
Please make your hotel reservations ASAP. Mi-GMIS's discounted room block expires mid-August.
Hotel Reservations Conference Schedule Conference Sponsors
Mi-GMISP.O. Box 772Howell, MI 48844