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Michigan Government Management Information Sciences
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2024 Tentative Sessions

General Sessions
Birds of a Feather
Book Club
Bringing in the New with the Old: Integration Complexity
Constituent Focused Websites
Courts Update
Did you Know??
ERP Implementations - the Good, the Bad and the Ugly
Generative AI
Getting IT Done- Execution of Plans/Dreams Etc. (Closing the Last 10% of a Project)
Mentor/Mentee Panel - How's it Going?
Moving a Phone System to the Cloud
State CIO Address (Laura Clark)
Tales of Woe - Cybersecurity Incidents (panel)
Time Management - Lighten the Load - How to Say No! (panel)
VMWare Licensing/Alternatives (Gold Sponsor Panel)
What Happens When the Cloud Gets Compromised? (Gold Sponsor Panel

Technical Track
Certified Information Security Manager
Microsoft Power BI: Dashboard in a Day
Understanding Governance & Regulatory Compliance

P.O. Box 772
Howell, MI  48844

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